Friday, February 16, 2007

Why Do We Teach?

Teaching is about making other lives better. It creates new opportunities and shares new ideas with people. Social skills, critical thinking and broadened horizons all come from learning. To accomplish these tasks, a teacher must be flexible with their teaching and lives. They must provide energy to feed off of in the classroom. A good teacher analyzes their teaching and their students progress in the classroom. Use of technology and different mediums is a great way to spot a good teacher. The best teachers I have had made every class period new, there was no repetition or routine in their approach; it was always exciting. Great teachers must presentnew ideas as well as old ones and formulate their own approach to present these ideas. A great teacher can also traverse the border between school work and student learning. Just because you present an idea to a student doesn't mean they are going to learn it. The student must apply the idea in their lives to understand it. This will also keep the student interested in the material being taught.

1 comment:

Associate Professor of Education, Luther College said...


So is there some significance to the banana man address? I like your ideas about education and will look forward to reading your blog in the future.

Dr. Langholz